Manado City name according to the legend says comes from the Minahasa Toutemboan Ethnic namely "Manarow" which means "Go to the Land of Far". If one original Minahasa want to travel, then the neighbors will say hello in the local language, "Mange-an isako?" (Want to where are you?), Then he will answer, "Mange's Manarow or want to go to a far country". In the Old Sangir language version called Mararau; Marau which means much.
Another name that older to Manado is Wenang / Yarn :. Arbitrary or yarn itself is a tree that grows in coastal Manado or so-called shoulder tree that can be found along the coast in Shoulder Malalayang up in Kalasey.
Arbitrary or yarn itself in Sangir old version is "Gahenang / Mahenang", meaning that the fire that burns / luminous / glowing (torch, torches, bonfires).
And the word "Manarow" itself refers to an island that is the island of Manado sir. Where the inhabitants of this island of Manado Tua is People of Ethnic Ethnic Sangir Old ie Wowontehu / Bowontehu / Bobentehu.
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