Pekanbaru name was formerly known as the "Senapelan" who at the time headed by a Chief called Mind. Initially as a field area, gradually became the township. Then the township Senapelan migrate to the new settlement was then called Hamlet Umbrella Sekaki located on the banks of the river estuary Siak.
Name Umbrella Sekaki not so well known in his time but Senapean. Senapelan development is closely linked to the development of Siak Sri Indrapura. Since Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Alamudin Senapelan settled in, he built his palace in Kampung Bukit adjacent to the township Senapelan. Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Alamudin had the initiative to create a week in Senapelan but not developed. Efforts have been initiated is then followed by his son king Young Muhammad Ali in a new place that is around the harbor,
Furthermore, on Tuesday, 21 tattoo 1204 H or the date of June 23, 1784 M by consensus progenitor-progenitor four tribes (Coastal, Fifty, Tanah Datar and Kampar), Senapelan country was renamed "Week Baharu" later celebrated as the birthday of the city of Pekanbaru . From that moment Senapelan designation was abandoned and became popular as "BAHARU WEEK", which in everyday language called Pekanbaru.
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