Solok supposedly meaningful title aliases saelok well. From peneturan some traditional leaders, Solok area stems also from the historical Out went Tigobaleh, precisely during this West Sumatra still Minangkabau kingdom system. Out went Tigobaeh supposedly meant I threw thirteen progenitor of Minangkabau royal environment, issues related things, so dissidents. This means that once the king Minangkabau incumbent big upset, so decided to expel thirteen datik of the royal court.
The niniak rang Out went the Tigobaleh went looking for a new area. Originally from Pariangan Leopold walking towards Lake Batur, and when he reached the area Aripan now, they turned to a flat expanse seen below, so that by the time it's where the word appears terucaplah nan sense saelok which later turned into solok. In a way, the group was also briefly toward the heights in order to review the state of nature to occupy, namely Bukit Gurunan (near Payo), and there are a number of sources say that it is Aur windy place (local echo). However, a more precise reasons accepted the logic that places the height of Padang predicted the thousand-thousand (near pigtail) or hill between the Gulf of Tanjung Paku.
From the height of the forefathers of the Solok see a pretty good ground, which they call saelok-eloknyo are in development saelok word-eloknyo turned into Solok.
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