Saturday, January 31, 2015

Menghitung Nilai Total Menggunakan Ms. Excel

21Mathematics - Menghitung Nilai Total Menggunakan Ms. Excel posting kali ini saya akan membagikan tutorial menghitung nilai total menggunakan office excel, caranya juga begitu sangat-sangat mudah sekali.

1. Buka microsoft office excel terus tulis angka demi angkanya.
2. Ketikan formula =SUM(B2:B6) lalu kemudian tekan enter.
3. Maka hasilnya akan seperti ini.

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Menghitung Nilai Rata-Rata Ms. Excel

21Mathematics - Menghitung Nilai Rata-Rata Ms. Excel pada posting kali ini saya akan menjelaskan cara menghitung nilai rata-rata menggunakan microsoft office excel. Silahkan simak langkah-langkahnya sekalian di praktekan supaya bisa.

1. Buka microsoft office excel terus ketikan angkanya.
2. Ketikkan formula =AVERAGE(B3:B6) di mana saja.
3. Maka akan menghasilkan.

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Friday, January 30, 2015

Memunculkan Text Boundaries Ms. Word

21Mathematics - Memunculkan Text Boundaries Ms. Word Kali ini saya akan share cara memunculkan garis boundaries di ms excel, text boundaries merupakan ukuran yang tepat. Jadi kalau kita mengetik jangan sampai melewati garis itu. Silahkan simak langkah-langkahnya.

1. Buka microsoft office word terus klik kanan menu bagian atas klik Costumize Quick Access Toolbar.
2.  Klik Advanced terus cari show text boundaries dan centang.
3. Dan lihat hasilnya.

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Membuat Border (Garis) Pada Ms. Excel

21Mathematics - Membuat Border (Garis) Pada Ms. Excel kali ini saya akan share cara Membuat Garis Pada Microsoft Office Excel, caranya sangat mudah tinggal kalian simak saja langkah demi langkahnya di bawah ini.

1. Buka microsoft office excel dan block range yang ingin di kasih border.

2. Klik kanan dan pilih format cell -> pilih border.
3. Silahkan klik outline atau inside untuk memulai membuat border lalu klik ok.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Kesalahan Dalam Operasi Hitung Matematika

21Mathematics - Kesalahan Dalam Operasi Hitung Matematika  jika kalian di beri soal pasti hasilnya akan itu.
Misalnya : a = b
Kemudian kedua ruas dikalikan dengan a = ab
Kedua ruas dikurangin b2
a2 – b2 = ab – b2
(a + b)(a – b) = b(a – b)
a + b = b
b + b = b
2b = b
2 = 1

Nah lo, kok bisa jadi 2 = 1, padahal seperti yang kita tahu, matemtaika itu ilmu pasti. Tapi dari sini kita bisa bercermin, ternyata ketika kita menggunakan operasi hitung aljabar, kita harus memperhatikan hal-hal dasar agar tidak terjadi kesalahan seperti ini.

Mau tahu apa yang terjadi? coba perhatikan pencoretan (a – b), itu tidak boleh dilakukan karena a – b = 0. Karena tidak diperbolehkan pembagian

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Ketidakpastian Pada Segitiga

21Mathematics - Ketidakpastian Pada Segitiga  Mungkin sebagian besar kalau mendengar kata ‘Matematika’, orang itu pasti berpikiran matematika ilmu pasti dan ilmu hitung. Tapi itu tidak selamanya benar, karena matematika gk selamanya menghitung kecuali kita mengambil jurusan statistik. Kenapa saya katakan matematika itu tidak selamanya ilmu pasti? Coba Anda bayangkan kedua segitiga siku-siku dibawah ini :
Jika kita menghitung sisi miring segitiga peratama tersebut, maka kita peroleh
cm, kalau ini kita hitung menggunakan kalkulator, maka angka dibelakang komanya tidak akan berhenti alias bergerak terus. Apabila kita menggambar garis dengan panjang cm menggunakan penggaris, kita tidak bisa menentukan panjang cm dengan penggaris, karena apabila kita bayangin sisi miring segitiga tersebut, seolah-olah ujung sisinya bergerak. Beda halnya dengan panjang sisi miring segitiga yang kedua, kita peroleh 5 cm, dimana 5cm itu bisa kita ukur dengan penggaris dan nilainya bisa ditentukan langsung dengan pasti.
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Menghitung Invers Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007

21Mathematics - Menghitung Invers Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007  sekarang saya akan mengasih tau cara Menghitung Invers Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007  silahkan simak baik-baik langkah-langkahnya dan praktekan langsung.

1. Siapkan matriks yang ingin di hitung, misalnya kita gunakan hasil perkalian matriks sebelumnya.

2. Misalnya kita ingin menghitung invers matriks yang terletak pada range J4:L6 dan kita ingin meletakkan hasil perhitungan inversnya pada range K8, maka pada range K8 ketik formula =MINVERSE(J4:L56)
Setelah itu, tekan Enter
3. Maka hasilnya akan seperti ini.

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Menghitung Transpose Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007

21Mathematics - Menghitung Transpose Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007 kali ini saya akan menjelaskan cara Menghitung Transpose Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007 silahkan simak langkah-langkahnya di bawah ini.

1. Siapkan matriks yang ingin dihitung, kita gunakan matriks perkalian sebelumnya.

2. Misalnya kita ingin menghitung transpose matriks yang terletak pada range J4:L6 dan kita ingin meletakkan hasil perhitungan determinannya pada range J7:L9, maka blok pada range J8:L10 ketik formula =TRANSPOSE (J4:L6). Setelah itu, tekan tiga tombol keyboard secara bersamaan Shift+ctrl+Enter (tanpa tanda “+“).
3. Maka hasilnya akan seperti ini.

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Menghitung Determinan Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007

21Mathematics - Menghitung Determinan Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007  kali ini saya akan menjelaskan cara Menghitung Determinan Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007  setelah sebelumnya perkalian, penjumlahan, dan pengurangan.

1. Siapkan matriks yang ingin dihitung, kita gunakan perkalian matriks sebelumnya.

2. Misalnya kita ingin menghitung determian matriks yang terletak pada range J4:L6 dan kita ingin meletakkan hasil determiannya pada range J8, maka pada range ke J8 ketikkan formula    =MDETERM(J4:L6)
Kemudian tekkan enter
3. Maka hasilnya akan seperti ini.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Menghitung Perkalian Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007

21Mathematics - Menghitung Perkalian Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007 setelah sebelumnya saya sudah mengasih tau cara penjumlahan dan pengurang kini saatnya saya mengasih tau tentang perkaliannya, rumusnya nggak jauh beda cuma ada tambahan saja.

1. Siapkan matriks yang akan di kalikan, seperti matriks di bawah ini.

2. Blok range J4:L6 (Sebagai tempat hasil perkalian)
    Ketikan formula =MMULT(B4:D6,F4:H6)
    Setelah itu tekan Ctrl+Shift+Enter (tanpa "+")
3. Kemudian hasil nya akan seperti di bawah ini.

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Menghitung Pengurangan Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007

21Mathematics - Menghitung Pengurangan Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007  setelah sebelumnya saya menjelaskan cara menghitung penjumlahan matriks sekarang saya akan mengasih tau cara pengurangan matriks, caranya juga sama aja tidak ada yang berubah. Cuma berubah pada bagian rumusnya saja.

1. Siapkan matriks yang akan dilakukan pengurangan, seperti di bawah ini.
2. Blok range J4:L6 (Sebagai tempat hasil pengurangan)
    Kemudian ketik formula =B4:D6-F4:H6 (Karena range penjumlahan saya dari B4)
    Setelah itu tekan Ctrl+Shift+Enter (tanpa "+")
3. Maka hasilnya seperti di bawah ini.

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Menghitung Penjumlahan Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007

21Mathematics - Menghitung Penjumlahan Matriks Menggunakan Ms. Excel 2007 kali ini saya akan mengasih tau cara penjumlahan matriks, caranya gampang kok gak ribet silahkan simak baik-baik dan ingat sambil di pelajari.


1. Siapkan matriks yang akan di hitung, misalnya di bawah ini.

2. Blok range J4:L6 (Sebagai tempat hasil penjumlahan)
    Kemudian ketik formula =B4:D6+F4:H6 (karena range penjumlahan saya dari mulai B4)
    Setelah itu tekan Ctrl+Shift+Enter (tanpa "+")
3. Maka hasil nya akan seperti ini

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Roots of 12?

 what is the root of 12?
This time I am going to love to know what is the root of 12.
Root of 12 is 2v/3


v/12 = v/4 x v/3
      = 2 x v/3
      = 2 v/3 
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The Roots of 8?

 what is the root of 8?
This time I am going to love to know what is the root of 8.
Root of 8 is 2v/2


v/8 = v/4 x v/2
      = 2 x v/2
      = 2 v/2 
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Mathematics21 - This time I am going to love to know how to do root until you can. I will explain the parts of it to matter.


1^2 = 1 => v/1 = 1
2^2 = 4 => v/4 = 2
3^2 = 9 => v/9 = 3
4^2 = 16 => v/16 = 4
5^2 = 25 => v/25 = 5
6^2 = 36 => v/36 = 6
7^2 = 49 => v/49 = 7
8^2 = 64 => v/64 = 8
9^2 = 81 => v/81 = 9
10^2 = 100 => v/100 = 10
and so forth
 conclusion if 9 ^ 2 is equal to 9 x 9

problems example

v/8 = ?
v/12 = ?
v/18 = ?
v/20 = ?
v/27 = ?
v/300 = ?


v/8 = v/4 x v/2
= 2 x v/2
= 2v/2
v/12 = v/4 x v/3
= 2 x v/3
= 2v/3
v/18 = v/9 x v/2
= 3 x v/2
= 3v/2
v/20 = v/4 x v/5
= 2v/5
v/27 = v/9 x v/3
= 3v/3
v/300 = v/100 x v/3
= 10v/3
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The roots of 27?

what is the root of 27?
This time I am going to love to know what is the root of 27.
Root of 27 is v / 3^3


27 = 9 x 3
      = v/ 3 x 3
      = v/ 3 ^ 3
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Origin of the Name Buleleng

In Bali, there lived a king who holds Sri Bagening. The king has many wives, and his last wife named Ni Luh Pasek. Ni Luh Pasek comes from the village of Panji, and still to derivative Kyai Pasek Gobleng. One time, Ni Luh Pasek contains. By her husband, she was entrusted to Kyai Jelantik Bogol. Before long, her son was born. The child was given the name, I Gede Pasekan. I Gede Pasekan mepunyai great prestige so much loved and respected by community leaders like any normal society.

      One day, when the age of twenty years, his father told him that he go thou to Den Hill in the Flag.

      Before leaving, his adoptive father gives two magical weapon, namely a keris named Ki New Semang and a spear named Ki Alas Said. In his journey, I Gede Pasekan accompanied by forty guards led Dumpiung and Ki Ki Dosot. When they reached the area called the Stone Menyan, they spend the night with a closely guarded by the guards in turn.

      At midnight, suddenly came the magical creatures of forest dwellers. He lifted I Gede Pasekan up his shoulders so I Gede Pasekan can see the view off to the sea and the land that lay before him. When he looked to the east and northwest, he saw the island very much. When looking to the south the view obstructed by mountains.

      The next day the group went on a trip. Although difficult and full of obstacles, I Gede Pasekan entourage finally managed to reach the goal, the Village Panji, the birthplace of his mother.

      One day, there was a boat beached Bugis Panimbang. Local residents were asked for help not capable of lifting.

      The next day the Bugis boat owner for help on I Gede Pasekan. I Gede Pasekan immediately concentrate. With his magical powers, rocking ship was successfully lifted. As a thank you, the Bugis people give gifts in the form of half of the contents of the boat to I Gede Pasekan. Among the prizes are two large gong. Since then I Gede Pasekan become wealthy and titled I Gusti Panji Sakti.

      I Gede Pasekan power began to spread and spread everywhere. He also established a new kingdom in Den Hill. Roughly the 17th century, the capital of the kingdom called people by name Sukasada. I Gede Pasekan kingdom was developed to the north. The area was overgrown with trees Buleleng. Therefore, the center of the kingdom of switching to the region. The region was named Buleleng.
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Origins of Blitar

According to some historical books, especially books named Bale Background, origins of Blitar city was founded approximately in the 15th century.

      Starting from Nilasuwarna one of the sons of Duke Wilatika Tuban. He was one of the Majapahit kingdom belief that was assigned to cut the base to crush the Tatar soldiers hiding in the woods, and a coup d'etat (rebellion) that endanger glory majapahit work.

      After defeating the soldiers Tatar, Nilasuwarna awarded prizes forest where soldiers battle with Tatar. Then he was given the title of Duke Ariyo Blitar I by the Majapahit kingdom. Over time the forest was named Balitar (Bali and Tatar) to remind that never happened battle against Tatar soldiers in that place.

      Duke Ariyo Blitar I began to exercise power under the kingdom of Majapahit. Duke Ariyo Blitar I was married to Goddess Rayung Wulan and had a son named Djoko Kadung. But unexpectedly in the middle of his reign there was a revolt carried out by its own patihnya named Ki Sengguh Kinareja.

Setekah successfully staged a coup Ki Sengguh Kinareja get the title of Duke Ariyo Blitar II. Knowing that his biological father was killed, Djoko Kadung finally revenge. After a successful revenge Kadung Djoko was appointed as Duke Ariyo Blitar III.

      Setekah led Djoko Kadung, Balitar granted to the Netherlands by the Kingdom Kartasura Sultanate led King Amangkurat. Balitar became one of Dutch rule.

      Setekah Indonesian independence in about the 1950s out of Law No. 17 of 1950 that turned into BLITAR BALITAR and formed as Blitar
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Origin of the Name Solok

Solok supposedly meaningful title aliases saelok well. From peneturan some traditional leaders, Solok area stems also from the historical Out went Tigobaleh, precisely during this West Sumatra still Minangkabau kingdom system. Out went Tigobaeh supposedly meant I threw thirteen progenitor of Minangkabau royal environment, issues related things, so dissidents. This means that once the king Minangkabau incumbent big upset, so decided to expel thirteen datik of the royal court.

     The niniak rang Out went the Tigobaleh went looking for a new area. Originally from Pariangan Leopold walking towards Lake Batur, and when he reached the area Aripan now, they turned to a flat expanse seen below, so that by the time it's where the word appears terucaplah nan sense saelok which later turned into solok. In a way, the group was also briefly toward the heights in order to review the state of nature to occupy, namely Bukit Gurunan (near Payo), and there are a number of sources say that it is Aur windy place (local echo). However, a more precise reasons accepted the logic that places the height of Padang predicted the thousand-thousand (near pigtail) or hill between the Gulf of Tanjung Paku.

      From the height of the forefathers of the Solok see a pretty good ground, which they call saelok-eloknyo are in development saelok word-eloknyo turned into Solok.
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Origin of name Manado

Manado City name according to the legend says comes from the Minahasa Toutemboan Ethnic namely "Manarow" which means "Go to the Land of Far". If one original Minahasa want to travel, then the neighbors will say hello in the local language, "Mange-an isako?" (Want to where are you?), Then he will answer, "Mange's Manarow or want to go to a far country". In the Old Sangir language version called Mararau; Marau which means much.

      Another name that older to Manado is Wenang / Yarn :. Arbitrary or yarn itself is a tree that grows in coastal Manado or so-called shoulder tree that can be found along the coast in Shoulder Malalayang up in Kalasey.

      Arbitrary or yarn itself in Sangir old version is "Gahenang / Mahenang", meaning that the fire that burns / luminous / glowing (torch, torches, bonfires).

      And the word "Manarow" itself refers to an island that is the island of Manado sir. Where the inhabitants of this island of Manado Tua is People of Ethnic Ethnic Sangir Old ie Wowontehu / Bowontehu / Bobentehu.
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Origins of the city of Banyuwangi

In ancient times in the east end of East Java Province, there is a huge empire ruled by a just and wise king. The king had a handsome son named Raden Banterang. Raden penchant Banterang is hunting.

      One day, Miss King of Klungkung named Write to walk around alone outside the palace and called-call by a man dressed in rags. After observing the man's face, he realized that that was in front of him is his brother named Rupaksa. Rupaksa arrival intent is to invite his brother to take revenge, because Raden Banterang had killed his father. Write to tell me that she became the wife of Raden Banterang since been indebted. By doing so, Write to not want to help call his brother. Rupaksa angry to hear the answer sister. However, he could provide a memorable form of a headband to Write to and told disimjpan under his bed.

      When Raden Banterang are in the middle of the forest, his eyes suddenly startled by the arrival of a man dressed in rags. The man said that Raden Banterang would be killed by his own wife. As proof there is a headband that is stored under his bed and it is the property of the person who asked for help to kill.

      Because anger then Raden Banterang intend to drown his wife a river. Upon arriving at the river, Raden Banterang tells of women with a man in rags when hunting in the woods. The wife was also told about a meeting with a man dressed in rags as described her husband. However, Raden Banterang continue to believe that she would harm herself.

      The last time his wife said if after he drowned and river water becomes clear and fragrant, means he is innocent! However, if it becomes cloudy and foul odor, meaning he is guilty. Raden Banterang considers his speech was ridiculous. So, Raden Banterang immediately drew a dagger tucked in his waist. Along the same, Write to jump into the river and disappeared.

      Not long ago, there was a miracle. Nan fragrant smell spread around the river. Seeing the incident, Raden Banterang exclaimed with a trembling voice. He lamented the death of his wife, and regretted his folly. But it was too late.

Since then, the river becomes fragrant. In the Java language called Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and fragrant means fragrant.
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Origin of the City Balfour

When the kingdom of Palembang facing the enemy threat, the king (Sunan) magic call people to ask for help, menghadaplah MatAliudin being a boil in leg limping, seeing that diusirlah him from the palace because no one looks at all if he is the magic.

      When going home he went to the river Lematang white cloth spread on the surface of the water then sat cross-legged on the fabric in a floating state, witnessed the peculiarity palace officials immediately called him when he saw the occupied cloth began to move against the current.

     Finally village home Aliudin Matt was named Auxiliary King, because he managed to help the king with his power.

      In the development of Bantu villages king turned into Balfour when the Japanese colonial era.
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Origin of name Pekanbaru

Pekanbaru name was formerly known as the "Senapelan" who at the time headed by a Chief called Mind. Initially as a field area, gradually became the township. Then the township Senapelan migrate to the new settlement was then called Hamlet Umbrella Sekaki located on the banks of the river estuary Siak.

      Name Umbrella Sekaki not so well known in his time but Senapean. Senapelan development is closely linked to the development of Siak Sri Indrapura. Since Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Alamudin Senapelan settled in, he built his palace in Kampung Bukit adjacent to the township Senapelan. Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Alamudin had the initiative to create a week in Senapelan but not developed. Efforts have been initiated is then followed by his son king Young Muhammad Ali in a new place that is around the harbor,

      Furthermore, on Tuesday, 21 tattoo 1204 H or the date of June 23, 1784 M by consensus progenitor-progenitor four tribes (Coastal, Fifty, Tanah Datar and Kampar), Senapelan country was renamed "Week Baharu" later celebrated as the birthday of the city of Pekanbaru . From that moment Senapelan designation was abandoned and became popular as "BAHARU WEEK", which in everyday language called Pekanbaru.
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Origins of Banjarmasin

In antiquity, in Borneo stands a kingdom, Nagara Daha name. Kerjakaan was founded by Princess Kalungsu with her Son, Raden Sari Kaburangan alias Sekar Breech who holds the Great Flag Maharaja Sukarama. During his reign, frequent rebellion, between Prince Ocean rightful heir to the throne and Mangkubumi. In the power struggle, it Mangkubumi who succeeded to the throne of the kingdom.

      Government Mangkubumi apparently also did not last long. In the ensuing power struggle, Mangkubumi finally killed in an attempt to quell the rebellion. And as the holder of the reins of the new government was Prince Hero Member.

      Prince Ocean as the rightful heir to the kingdom became very distressed witnessed an endless struggle for power it. The Prince also feel unsafe if it had stayed in the royal court because eventually people will know him as the rightful heir to the kingdom and must be targeted for murder for the incumbent. With the assistance of people trust in the Kingdom Nagara Daha, Prince Ocean escape. He disguised and living in remote areas around the mouth of the Barito river.

      In the Barito river estuary, there are village-kampungyang berbanjar-row or rows across the river banks. Among the villages, the village Banjarlah the most strategically located. Banjar village is formed by five rivers flow in the river estuary meets Kuin. Because the location is very strategic, Banjar village evolved into City, a bustling trading town when merchant ships from various countries. Bandar was under the rule of a governor is commonly called Patih Still. The city is also known as Bandar Still. Over time, the name of Bandar still be Banjarmasin....
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Roses For Mom

A man stopped at the store to order a bunch relationship bouquet to be delivered to the mother who lives 250 miles from it. Once out of his car, he saw a little girl standing on the pavement as she sobbed. He asked why she was crying and the little girl answered? I want to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have five hundred dollars, while the price rose a thousand dollars.

      He smiled and said, come with me, I'll buy you flowers you want. Later, he bought the little girl a red rose, at once ordered a bouquet of flowers to be sent to his mother. When finished and about to go home, he volunteered to drive her home. The little girl was rejoicing, he said, yes, of course. Would you like me to place my mother mengatar ?.

      Then the two of them to the place designated the little girl, the public cemetery. Once there the little girl laying flowers on a grave that is still wet. Seeing that, the man's heart be touched and thought of something. He hurried back to the flower shop earlier and membatakan mails. He took the wreath that had been ordered and driving his own vehicle as far as 250 miles to get to his mother's house.
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Mission Life In A Job

An old woman, overweight, with a playful smile on the sidelines of her round cheeks, sitting holding rice packets wares. Soon, some construction workers and porters who have been waiting since last swarming and make busy wait. For them the menu and the taste is not a matter, the important thing is the price is amazingly cheap. Almost impossible anyone could trade at a price so low. So what's in it? The woman chuckled replied, "Can passengers eat and buy a little soap" But he could not raise the price a little bit? Again he chuckled, "Then how coolies could buy? Who wants to provide breakfast for them?" He said as he showed the men who are now jumping onto their delivery truck to the workplace.

      Ah ...! How beautiful, if a lump missions combined in a working life. People who understand the true presence of his work, as the old woman at the top, which is working toward a speck of human welfare, are poles that hold up the sky so that it does not collapse. They are soft velvet that makes its way of life that seems harsh rocky becomes soft and even treat the wound.
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Patience A Mother

One day, an old mother wanted to go to the edge of the lake. Apparently the mother is anxious to see the sights in the lake that has not been seen. He asks her to drive her there, because he was not able to walk and just sit in the wheelchair alone.

      Once there, they encounter many storks who were swimming. The mother then pointed at the stork and asked the child, "Animals do it, son?" she replied, "That stork bu". The mother repeating the same question to 3 times to the child. In the last answer, the boy replied with a high tone and curt.

      Berlinanglah tears of the mother of the child to hear the answer. With tears that kept out of the eyes, the mother explained that it was when the child was a child, he was often invited to go to the lake. The child is always asked her mother the same question with the question of the mother earlier. The mother patiently every child she answers questions that are repeated up to 10 times. But now turn to his mother asked only 3 times only child lost his temper.
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A Tale of Two

In a forest there lived two wanderers. One time two nomads fall into the hole and keep out those in a cave. Both of these nomads wanted to get out, but the hole cave was covered by a very strong iron bars.

      Both of these nomads make every effort to destroy the iron bars with power and they are sharp machete. However, they began to fatigue and machetes they began damaged because it was too loud bars. Both of these nomadic exhausted and needed a break. The first Nomad said in his heart: "I will not give up before destroying the iron bars might. Never give up is the base of success!" Nomad both pensive and thought: "I'm going to fatigue and hunger if I'm desperate to destroy the bars, it is better if I took another road course to be able to get out of the cave".

      After resting sejena, wanderers first began to destroy the iron bars again with a vengeance, while the second floater resigned from his efforts ruin bars. Looking at the second floater withdraw from the business, nomadic wanderers first began to mock the second: "You're a quitter nature and tenacious work, where might you be successful in your life?" Second nomad nomad first ignored the taunts, he retreated to find another way out of the cave. Finally, the two managed to obtain a nomadic way out of the cave, while the first nomad fatigue because of the damage the iron bars.

      This story reveals that in order to solve the problem instead of just relying on perseverance in work, but also the use of intelligence.
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One thing Specialties Lost

One day before the father died, he gave a message to his two children.

      "My son, there are two important messages you want to convey my father for life success."

      "First, do not ever collect receivables to anyone."

      "Second, your body never exposed to direct sunlight."

      Five years later, the mother turned her eldest son with his business very poor condition, the mother was asked: "O my firstborn Why Your business conditions so?"

      The eldest said, "I follow the message Bu ... My dad is prohibited collect receivables to anyone so many unpaid receivables and long drop it my capital. The second message my father forbids direct sunlight and I just got a motorcycle , which is why going to and from the office I always take a taxi. "

      Then the mother went to the youngest child that things were different. The youngest successful running of the business.

      The mother was asked: "O my youngest son why life so lucky?"

      The youngest replied: It is because I followed the father Bu message. The first message that I was forbidden to collect accounts receivable to anyone. Therefore, I never gave a debt to anyone so I capital remains intact. "

      "My second message is prohibited contact with direct sunlight, then with the motor that I have, I always set out before sunrise and return after sunset, so the customer knows I open the store early and closing late."


- Big Sis and Si Bungsi receive the same message, but each has its interpretations and viewpoints or different mindset. They do so in different ways to get different results. Be careful with our mindset.

- Positive Mindset give amazing results, otherwise a negative mindset unpleasant results.
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Small things Meaningful

When dawn broke, an old man walk around the edge of the beach while enjoying the sea breeze studio hit the beach. In the distance he saw a child is not picked up a starfish and threw it back into the water. Having approached the boy, the old man asked in surprise, "Why are you collecting starfish and threw it back into the water?" "Because if left until the morning sun comes stinging, the stranded starfish would soon die of drought," replied the young children it. "But the beach is wide and miles long," said the old man as he showed her the start of wrinkles in the direction of the broad sand. "Besides, there are millions of starfish stranded. I doubt if you attempt it really has a great significance," he continued doubtful. The boy then looked at the starfish in his hand without saying a word. Then slowly he threw it into the sea in order to survive and live. Then with a smile on the old man, he said, "I made a change to one thing. The simple act of kindness can make a change to your family, friends, even for unfamiliar faces that sometimes we do not know. I'm sure my efforts really have great meaning at least for this little animal. "Small said it.
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